Group 604
Group 604

10 Ways to Keep your Dog Safe in Winter

10 Ways to Keep your Dog Safe in Winter – by Pet Shop Pak


Keep your dog inside during extreme weather:

If the temperature is too cold or there is a blizzard or other severe weather, it is best to keep your dog inside. Make sure they have a warm, cozy place to rest, such as a crate or dog bed with a blanket.

Protect their paws:

Dogs’ paws can be sensitive to the cold and can easily get frostbitten or suffer from dry, cracked skin. Consider using dog booties or applying petroleum jelly to your dog’s paws to protect them from the elements.

Keep them hydrated:

It’s important to make sure your dog has access to clean, fresh water at all times. In winter, it’s easy for water dishes to freeze, so consider using a heated water bowl or regularly replacing the water to ensure it stays unfrozen.

Keep them well-fed:

During the winter months, your dog may need more calories to maintain their body heat. Talk to your veterinarian about adjusting your dog’s diet or adding some high-calorie supplements to their meals.

Keep them groomed:

Regular grooming is important for keeping your dog healthy and comfortable, especially in the winter. Trimming their coat can help them retain body heat, and regular baths will help prevent dry, itchy skin.

Keep them active:

Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean your dog can’t get exercise. Try indoor games and activities, or take them for shorter walks in areas that are well-cleared of snow and ice.

Keep them warm:

Make sure your dog has a warm, dry place to rest, and consider using a dog sweater or coat to help them stay warm when they are outside.

Keep them visible:

If you take your dog for walks in the dark, make sure they are wearing reflective gear or a lighted collar to help them stay visible to drivers and pedestrians.

Keep an eye on them:

Pay attention to your dog’s behavior and look for signs of hypothermia or frostbite, such as shivering, difficulty walking, or cold, pale skin. If you notice any of these signs, bring your dog inside and contact your veterinarian.

Keep their ID current:

Make sure your dog’s identification tags are up to date and securely fastened to their collar in case they become lost during the winter months.

for any inquiry feel free to call us on 0333-3811332 - Enjoy your visit to our store at Gulistan-e-Jauhar Block 3 Karachi

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